All Posts By

Faye De Lanty

Fashion Hound Eco Fashion

Green Gang

National Op Shop Week is upon us...hence my terrible delay in posting...I've been so flat out that now I have the (fashion) flu. But as…
Faye De Lanty
August 22, 2017
Fashion Hound DIY

Of Corsets a sweater

Of corsets a sweater and isn't it sweet! In all honesty a lot of fashion can be uncomfortable so I am relishing this whole athleisure/femme…
Faye De Lanty
March 28, 2017
Fashion Hound DIY


My version for $25 Is that Vetements? No, it's actually Vete-nots! One of the biggest cult labels on the fashion circuit right now is, I…
Faye De Lanty
March 19, 2017