Fashion F**k it In life we are taught to plan, strategise, style, prepare…we can expend so much effort into the building of our big dreams that we forget to just…Faye De LantyMay 7, 2012
Vintage Soldier of Fashion Anything army or military is a massive drawcard for me – especially if it’s vintage. I love what it symbolises – strength, standing the test…Faye De LantyMay 3, 2012
Thrift Shopping Opportunity Knocks How often do you follow your intuition? Are you brave enough to say yes when it would be much easier to say no? Do you…Faye De LantyMay 2, 2012
Accessories Shine on you Crazy Diamond No doubt about it bling is big! From necks to ears and everywhere in between it’s a super simple way to make a dazzling entrance…Faye De LantyApril 27, 2012
Fashion EVERYTHING GOES WITH SNOW On a Surrey Sunday morning I opened my sleepy eyes and to my surprise the snow fairies had turned our gorgeous garden into Santa’s workshop! I seriously…Faye De LantyMarch 1, 2012