
Thrift clothing Archives - Fashion Hound

Fashion Hound Eco Fashion

Green Gang

National Op Shop Week is upon us...hence my terrible delay in posting...I've been so flat out that now I have the (fashion) flu. But as…
Faye De Lanty
August 22, 2017
Fashion Hound Eco Fashion


Repeat, Reuse, Replay however you want to sing the song sustainability is where it's at. We just can't keep making new stuff without thinking about…
Faye De Lanty
October 23, 2016
Faye De Lanty Uncategorized

Travel light

  4 countries for 1 month with 1 carry on suitcase. Crazy? Yes quite likely! Totally freeing? Absolutely! It's amazing how much stuff we think…
Faye De Lanty
June 6, 2016