
Fashion Hound Archives - Page 2 of 22 - Fashion Hound

Fashion Hound DIY


My version for $25 Is that Vetements? No, it's actually Vete-nots! One of the biggest cult labels on the fashion circuit right now is, I…
Faye De Lanty
March 19, 2017
Fashion Hound Eco Fashion

To Tie For

It's the modern and dramatically more comfortable cousin but the lace up and corset trend will certainly cinch you in. I mean it just looks…
Faye De Lanty
December 13, 2016
Fashion Hound Eco Fashion


Repeat, Reuse, Replay however you want to sing the song sustainability is where it's at. We just can't keep making new stuff without thinking about…
Faye De Lanty
October 23, 2016