On the sixth day of Xmas Reuze Vintage gave to me…A gregarious gold maxi from the 1970′s

Faye De LantyDecember 16, 2012

Love my $3 thrifted blouse, Love my Mumma’s Levi’s circa 1970, Love my Love clutch I picked up 8 years ago from Betsey Johnson in NYC, Love this wall I spotted in…

Faye De LantyDecember 2, 2012

Sometimes it’s great to get out and just take a walk, see the sound on the street, feel the vibe through your feet! While on…

Faye De LantyNovember 8, 2012

“Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.” Dr. Seuss Inspired by the killer Emma Stone…

Faye De LantyAugust 10, 2012

Back in my Brisbane hood for a little while, I’ve been out and about ‘Fashion Hounding’ the vintage, retro and second hand style scene here…

Faye De LantyJuly 31, 2012